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 Firewood Alert: Don't Move Firewood! see details
 Prohibited firewood information: https://www.nhbugs.org/firewood
Attention for camping only:: NH Senior Citizens are given a $5 per night discount to all campgrounds with the exception of Cannon Mountain RV, Ellacoya, and Hampton Beach. NH State Employees are given a 50% discount on campsites with the exception of yurts and cabins. The discount will be provided once verified at the campground. This bulletin only applies to camping and is not applicable to park hosted events or tours.

Monadnock HQ, NH

Alerts and Important Information

Parking Day Pass

Monadnock State Park is located in and around the 3,165-ft. Mount Monadnock. The steep and rugged hike is 4 miles 4 hours round trip and affords great views from the summit.

Monadnock is not an easy hike. All routes to the top include very steep and rocky sections. Recreationists should possess the necessary knowledge, skill, and equipment to ensure their own safety. Users assume all risk while recreating in State Park lands.

Hikers interested in finding out what the conditions are prior to heading out can call the park directly at (603) 532-8862.

Pets are not permitted.

Driving Directions

From Route 3 (Northbound): Take Route 3 north to exit 7 in New Hampshire. Follow Rte. 101A west to Rte. 101 west to Peterborough, turn left for 202 west to Jaffrey. Turn right onto 124 west and follow signs to Monadnock State Park.

From I-93 (Northbound): Take 101 west to Peterborough, turn left for 202 west to Jaffrey. Turn right onto 124 west and follow signs to Monadnock State Park.

From I-93 (Southbound): Take 101 west to Peterborough, turn left for 202 west to Jaffrey. Turn right onto 124 west and follow signs to Monadnock State Park.

From I-95: Follow Rte. 101 west to Peterborough, turn left for 202 west to Jaffrey. Turn right onto 124 west and follow signs to Monadnock State Park.

From I-91: Take Exit 28A, follow MA Rte. 10 to NH Rte. 119 east. Take Rte. 202 east to Jaffrey. Turn left onto 124 west and follow signs to Monadnock State Park.